Sunday, January 20, 2008

Peer to Peer Giving

The non-profit World Sisters United (WSU) will be running Peer to Peer Giving, a web portal for peer-to-peer charity. WSU will act as intermediary for the operation. So that way the people with needs can be verified, their web profiles can be produced and WSU can make sure the money is properly managed and handed off to the recipient. As well, WSU can produce the follow-up story. Peer to Peer Giving will allow many who are otherwise overlooked by other non-profits. Those who need are unlimited. But we can now make it easier to find and address dispossessed people around the globe. There is always room for better and easier ways to get money to those who need. The statistics of people in severe poverty on earth is staggering. This challenge will always be upon us. The objective of Peer to Peer Giving is to make giving easy and more immediate. Those listed in this blog are examples of people who have desperate immediate needs. These are all real people who have nobody to turn to. They are all good people who just don't have the finances to pay medical bills or feed their infant. All this is very common in developing countries and even rich nations like our own. So anybody with some spare cash can be a hero with peer-to-peer giving. Now it's very simple to even save a persons life for the cost of an Ipod or a night on the town. So consider this great new possibility that the internet gives us. Give directly to those in need. Save a life, help a fellow being out. Spread the wealth. Give direct.

We are applying for our 501(c)(3) status now. So we will be a legal nonprofit as soon as we can. But this doesn't mean the needs aren't still urgent. Please give now. Thank you. Please contact me at for more details. Peace to all in 008, L
Give a dollar now to help those you see in this blog.
Thru peer-to-peer microgiving miracles can happen!

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