Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Ashley at her Baptism

Pictured is the very cute baby Ashley at her baptism this weekend. She is doing well and thanks to many of you readers she is looking chubby and well fed. Please keep your contributions coming to help baby Ashley as she begins her life with parents who make only two dollars a day in an economy where food costs are on the rise at an alarming rate. We are still working on raising money for formula for baby Ashley. Please send even a dollar to help this baby girl.

Please help us buy formula for baby Ashley!

This donate link above will take you to paypal where you can pay with your paypal account or use a credit card. Your gift will go directly to our WSU paypal account where it will then go to the recipient via XOOM, Western Union or by direct handoff. These services (including Paypal) charge a fee but there is no other operations fees that takes away from your gift. Our paypal account is managed by our Philippines treasurer Kaye Malibiran. Please note : World Sisters United is not yet a legal 501C3 non-profit - so your gifts are not tax deductable. The good news is that we are close to having the articles of incorporation and IRS forms ready to process. We should be a legal registered non-profit by the end of 2008

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