Here is the entrance to the Philippine Heart Center in Manila. The reknowned facility where Glen went to get his coronary angiogram. We would like to thank all those people that helped to get Glen his coronary angiogram. A special thanks to my fellow coworkers in the engineering department of Digidesign who pitched in to help make this happen. This was an effort that came from both the east and west. It seemed an impossible task to achieve but we did it. Ate Anna, Glen's girlfriend was heroic in raising money from many people in the Philippines.

The Philippine Heart Center is so well known it is a destination for medical tourism, a trend that is on the rise lately because of exorbitant medical costs in the US and industrial countries without health care. One thing that has made Glen's situation much better is that Ate Anna has aggressively sought out all possible Philippine government agencies that provide medical assistance. Phil Health and PSCO. She has also taken this case to political officers and even the press in Manila. The total costs for the angiogram ended up as 60K peso. (around us$1500)
The saga of Glen is pretty amazing. He has spent the last year with a failing liver and kidneys. He cannot expel the toxins in his body and these build up every couple of weeks where his stomach area swells up and he must have surgery to be drained. This whole thing is a painful process that has been going on and on with no end in sight. This angiogram was the next step in resolving this mystery as to how to resolve his medical condition. So far the doctors know that the problem with Glen is his heart is failing and that is causing other organs to fail. The doctors are still trying to understand what to do. I will be posting notes from various doctors on this case as I recieve them. This case is complex and unfortunately the angiogram conclusion is being debated by the various doctors. Some feel an operation will help others disagree.

Please help this continued effort to pay for Glen's medical bills! Send a dollar now!
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